Travel Resources

travel resourcesAuténtica Cuba is run by Cuba’s Ministry of Tourism, and provides information on the country’s plentiful ecotourism destinations. Cuba hosts six UNESCO biospheres and promotes sustainable, nature focused tourism. The country’s first sustainable resort community is located in Pinar del Rio, which is home to Cuban pine forests. Auténtica Cuba could use this site to further emphasize the incredible ecosystems they host, and provide more educational materials to interested tourists.

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travel2Moon Travel Guides produces travel books for countries all over the world. An excerpt from the Sixth Edition of Moon Cuba highlights the overlooked eastern side of Cuba, which contains some of Cuba’s most “preeminent national parks and historic sites.” The eastern side of the island also happens to be inhabited by Cuban pine forests. Moon Travel Guides could utilize this site to bring this wonderful side of Cuba to the attention of adventurous ecotourists, looking for somewhere unique.

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