Conservation & Government Agencies

wwfThe World Wildlife Fund currently spends over US$40 million every year in attempt to protect and preserve the world’s forests, and Cuba has four of the 200 sites that the WWF has labelled as critical conservation priorities. WWF is conducting conservation work in Cuba in order to protect its vulnerable habitats and preserve its rich biodiversity. This site could help them in their efforts to protect the most vulnerable species, and bolster grant applications by proving how necessary their work is.

For more information visit their website or contact them

citmaThe Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) is in charge of science, technology, and environmental policy for Cuba. It is in this role that they determine which areas to protect and bear the responsibility of managing the conservation of their plethora of national parks and UNESCO sites. This site could help the government determine which areas should next be protected or which species should be particularly watched for.

For more information visit their website or contact them via email at

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